
  天津交响乐团音乐总监李晓芦先生作为活跃在国际交响乐舞台的指挥家和小提琴演奏家已蜚声中外--- 从上海音乐大厅到纽约卡耐基音乐大厅,处处留下了他的足迹。1989年7月2日,来自《纽约时报》的阿兰·柯辛曾对他大加赞赏:“李晓芦是一位多才多艺、胜任的小提琴独奏家,”中国新闻社曾评论道:“李晓芦先生的指挥艺术无比精湛,上海音乐厅的观众简直如醉如痴。”他身材高大,又有小提琴演奏事业基础,因此,他对管弦乐团了如指掌。当他拿起指挥棒,他便掌控全局,仿佛指挥千军万马。李晓芦先生并不是著名大师的弟子,但他却有着非凡的指挥技艺和出众的音乐才能,所有这些都为他铺就了一条光明大道——他注定会成为著名交响乐团的指挥。音乐评论家米尔顿 摩尔曾经讲到:“ 这位青年指挥家有着运动员般的体格,活力非凡,一站到指挥台上,音乐便动感十足,展现出鲜明的色彩感。小提琴声部音准和合作都有了明显的提高,整体协调无比,这是前所未有的。正是有了李指挥,才使得乐团中每位乐手都发挥出色,仿佛全明星阵容。”
  李晓芦指挥过世界上很多乐团:上海交响乐团 、新波兰国家交响乐团、利陶宛国家交响乐团 、委内瑞拉国家交响乐团、美国摩比尔交响乐团、美国希瑞波交响乐团、美国雷克佛斯交响乐团、美国哥林之堡交响乐团等等。他曾经指挥香港管弦乐团、美国辛辛那提交响乐团、纳仕威交响乐团和新泽西交响乐团常任指挥。

  Maestro Xiao-Lu Li’s reputation as a symphonic conductor and concert violinist of international acc- laim has been affirmed from East to West , from the Shanghai Concert Hall to Carnegie Hall in New York Ci- ty. On July 2 of 1989, Allan Kozinn of the New York Times reviewed him as “a violinist with varied color- ation and a capable and eloquent recitalist. ” The China News Service in Beijing said “Xiao-Lu Li’s art of conducting totally mesmerized the audience at the Shanghai Symphony’s concert (June 12 , 1995) . A man of large physical stature, he has the foundation of a violinist, so he is familiar with the orchestra .Wh- en he lifted his baton , he was in total control, just as a great jockey is in total control of his horse. Although he was never a protégé of a famous maestro, his conducting technique and musicianship ensure that there is a major future ahead for him as a conductor of a major orchestra. ” Music Critic Milton Moore of The Day in Connecticut said “the young conductor who is an athletic and vigorous figure on the podium sh- owed a keen sense of dynamics and orchestra color . The violin sections have seldom had better intonation and unity. Li has let- or perhaps made- every soloist sound like a star.
  Maestro Li has been a guest conductor with the the Shanghai Symphony, the New Polish Philharmonic Orc- chestra, the Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra , the Greensboro (NC) Symphony , the Lake Forest Symphony (Chicago), the Shreveport Symphony, the Mobile Symphony, the Municipal Symphony Orchestra of Caracas , and the Symphony Orchestra of Maricaibo, Venezuela, as well as State of Minnesota, Ohio, North Carolina, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, among others.
  He has also conducted as a candidate for a permanent conducting position with the Hong Kong Philharmo- onic, the Cincinnati Symphony, the Nashville Symphony and the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra.
  Since his arrival in the USA in 1983 to study at the Cleveland Institute of Music with a full scholar- ship, Mr. Li was on the full time faculty of North Carolina State University as professor of violin and d- irector of the University Orchestra (1986-1992). He was music director and conductor of the Acadiana Symp- hony Orchestra in Lafayette, Louisiana from 1992-2002.
  Maestro Li ’s success as a builder of orchestras , including his talent for audience development and fund-raising along with his exceptional business acumen has been recognized all over the world , including CBS Sunday Morning, with Charles Osgood , and the ASOL Symphony magazine . In 1988 , he received a special Outstanding Artist award from the Kennedy Center in Washington , DC and in 1997, Governor Murphy J. Foster honored Maestro Li the highest award for any artist - the Outstanding Professional Artist in the State of Louisiana, and Gov. Foster appointed him to the Louisiana Music Commission.
  As well as being awarded the Dynamic Leadership Award by the Maine Public Policy Institute in 2003. He is the music director/conductor of the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra, the Bangor Symp- hony Orch- estra. On July 29, 2003, he was the subject of a front page article in the Wall Street Journal.
